We Are The Church

We believe the church is not somewhere you go, We are called by Christ and committed in our baptismal vows to be active in God’s mission in the world. There are several ways you can be involved.

Mission: Sharing God’s love

At Rehoboth we believe and live that we are our ‘brothers and sisters keeper.’ Mission is at the heart of how we live our lives in service to those in our community. Everyone has a chance to participate in mission work across all age ranges. Regardless of age or ability there is a way to serve here. 


Groups: Book and Bible Study

We have many opportunities to learn. Classes range from: traditional Sunday school, Vacation Bible school, seasonal book studies and small groups. 


Children’s programs: 

From the Nursery, Vacation Bible School, to our weekly youth group Rehoboth is a wonderful place for children to be seen and loved, Children are welcome in our worship and all programs. 


Giving: Give online


Photo Gallery

A few glimpses of who we are and what it is like to be here.